H2o Limited - insurance | putting your protection in place

insurance | putting your protection in place

In Wiltshire and Gloucestershire, window cleaning companies rarely have adequate insurance for their changing needs, and worse, lack any cover at all. In addition, many policies suffer from restrictive clauses that fail to provide comprehensive protection. So while window cleaners may believe they are insured, their policies can leave your organisation facing the risk of costly accidents and poor results.

That's why it's essential your chosen window cleaning service provider has the right insurance in place. With h2o cleaning, you can feel sure our comprehensive and substantial insurance cover meets our requirements and your organisations' needs. Furthermore, we can also tailor our insurance policy should you require a specific cover or amount.

H2o Limited - insurance | putting your protection in place

Our offering doesn't end there. As fidelity assured Swindon window cleaners and secure key holders, we are licensed to hold your keys, access codes, alarm codes, passwords, entry fobs and more. So you will always know we can provide a punctual, reliable window cleaning service without compromising your organisation's security.